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影视台词 > 影评 > :《初恋的回忆》观后感,爱情的结局是由一生祝福网(www.13zhufu.com)为您精心收集,如果觉得好,请把这篇文章复制到您的博客或告诉您的朋友,以下是《初恋的回忆》观后感,爱情的结局的正文:

  刚刚看了一部电影《初恋的回忆》,是在刘小六的日志中提到的一部电影,A Walk To Remember~
  想起了曾经爬到刘小六床上开的一个玩笑~ “Where is your puppy love?”思琪想了想,问道:“What's puppy love?”“puppy就是小狗的意思~”于是乎,思琪开始讲她的PUPPY LOVE~~
  A Walk To Remember,it's the purest movie i have ever seen since the university. It's about love, faith, friendship, parental love and misunderstanding. 主人公之间没有一见钟情,只是淡淡的纯纯的,但是绝对感人的情节。一起表演话剧,鬼使神差的篡改台词、增加“剧情”,一起踩脚跳舞,一起用自制的望远镜看星星,讨论彼此的No 1 in the list……虽然剧情中孱弱的Jamie很俗套的得绝症世了,但是Laudon对她的照顾中流露出的爱,已经让观众(我)泪流满面。嘿嘿,从Jamie承认有白血病不能上大学开始,泪就没断过,自从上次看了十月围城后没有再哭过,这两部都是很感人的电影。
  看电影时产生了很多很多感想,别人的自己的,先从之前看过的Gossip Girl说起~ I swore not see it anymore since Dan has a relationship with Serena's teacher. The twisted relationship between the lucky and gifted characters made me sick, I could see nothing about true love, only sex, even in B and C. They are playing a game named love, surrender and betray, not the true love. BUT在初恋的回忆里,男女主人公之间的爱是发自内心的,从Jamie的witness a miracle开始,虽然他们最后没能见证康复的奇迹,但是Laudon的改变足以让Jamie含笑九泉。
  Jamie的信念。她喜欢读书,信仰上帝,喜欢探索未知的星空,希望witness a miracle。这当然不是刘谦的见证奇迹的时刻,姑且认为这个奇迹是观测到彗星的期待吧!很奇怪为什么这个每天素颜、穿着朴素的长裙的女孩,为什么能够总是拿着一部圣经,对别人的讽刺宠辱不惊,我想,是对生命的热爱,对信仰的坚持,为了在有限的生命里把生命有意义的延续下,Jamie把自己有意义的生命成功的转接到了Laudon身上,她也完成了自己的心愿之一,witness a miracle……
  最近看到的一些事情,distance love,puppy love,unrequited love,breaking love,本来有的些许期待、祝福与向往,似乎也没有那么美好,呵呵,扯了~~ 有的同学喜欢联谊,但是我觉得那不是我认识我的另一半的方法,但是如果不,每天懒的和陌生人说话的我似乎没有机会认识新朋友,或者我的心里很不正常的也不想,就像很不正常的我不喜欢逛街一样,complicated~
  电影的名字是A Walk To Remember,回忆,嗯,挺有感觉~ 似乎大学以来大家都在回忆高中的美好,我还是很不正常的没有表现得那么明显。每个人都会境遇新的环境,新的朋友,新的生活圈,感慨不会带来什么改变,所以,还是试着适应它吧!很自恋的说一句,我很聪明的没有感慨,因为我的小生活确实还很美好(除了会计学微积分经济学),哈哈~~
  继续电影~ 台词有很多感人的地方,因为听力作业,我把它们敲了出来~~
  –How can you see places like this and have moments like this, and not believe?
  –You are lucky to be so sure.
  –It’s like the wind. I can’t see it, but I feel it. I feel wonder and beauty, joy, love. I mean, it’s the center of everything.
  Love is always patient and kind. It is never jealous. Love is never boastful or conceited. It is never rude or selfish. It does not take offense and is not resentful. Love takes no pleasure in other people’s sins, but delights in the truth. It is always ready to excuse, to trust, to hope and to endure whatever comes.
  You know what I figured out today? Maybe god has a bigger plan for me than I had for myself. Like, this journey never ends. Like, you are sent to me because I’m sick. To help me through all this. You are my angel.
  –Do you love me?
  –Will you do something for me then?
  –Will you marry me?
  Jamie saved my life. She taught me everything. About life, hope, and the long journey ahead. I’ll always miss her. But our love is like the wind. I can’t see it, but I can feel it.
  I, (name), take you, (name)
  To be my wedding husband/wife
  To have and to hold
  From this forward
  For better, for worse
  For richer, for poorer
  In sickness and in health
  To love and to cherish
  Until we are parted by death
  As god is my witness
  I give you my promise


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