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《绝望主妇 第七季》经典台词

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  B: You're thinking about Charlie, aren't you?
  K: Maybe I need something to get my mind off of him. How about a movie?
  B: You shouldn't have to get your mind off of him. He's your son. That's why you need to move to Florida.
  K: No. That was a bad idea. I already told you I'm not going there without you. Long-distance relationship doesn't ever work.
  B: That's true. Unfortunately, you're in one right now with Charlie. Face it. One of these relationships isn't going to make it, and it has to be ours.
  K: Well, here's the only problem with that. I LOVE YOU.
  B: I love you too.
  K: Good. Then you know why I won't leave.
  B: Here's what I know. From the first day we met, I have been pretending that our age difference doesn't mean anything.
  K: Because it doesn't.
  B: It does. It means I have lived through more of life than you, including having children, which is something you desperately wanted and now you have.
  K: Bree, come on.
  B: And while I have fallen in and out of love with several men in my life, I have never fallen out love with my children. And you may think that you will never love another woman like you love me, but I know that you will.
  K: I don't see how that's possible.
  B: That's because you're young... You have given me so much, Keith. Please.. let me give this to you.
  2.第二段是在第18集。Susan因Beth的自杀以外获得了肾源,病友Dick说她是“on a lucky streak",要好好利用她的幸运,比如赌场。Susan没赌场,只是跟几位主妇玩牌,大赢特赢以后,准备医院向Dick证实他的预言,没想到Dick已经过世了。Dick留了一个信封给她,上面写着"Never walk away from a winning streak",里面是一个$100的筹码。于是Susan拿着筹码了赌场,遇见了邻居Roy。
  R: Susan, you won over $12,000.
  S: I know. I just keep... winning. (begin to cry)
  Another Man:And you cry every time. You're weird.
  R: Susan, what's wrong?
  S: My friend..
  R: Your friend is gonna be thrilled. You just won for him.
  S: He died yesterday. He wanted me to come here. He said I was on a lucky streak. And he was right. I am. But...why? Why do I keep winning while other people lose? And why did I get a kidney while good people died? It doesn't make any sense.
  R: I served in Korea with this guy, Joe Dansak. Funny as hell, he made whiskey sours in his helmet. One day, we're out on patrol. I felt something whizz past my ear. I turned and looked, and Joe was on the ground.
  S: He was dead?
  R: Yeah. That night, I asked the sergeant, "why was it him and not me?" He sort of shook his head and said, "why ask?"
  S: So you're trying to tell me that it is...RANDOM.
  R: I'm trying to do anything I can to get you to stop crying, honey. You're on a lucky streak. Who knows why? Just enjoy it.
  S: But what happens when my luck runs out?
  R: (smiles)
  S: I know. "Why ask?"
  R: Why ask?
  L: My biggest fear about marriage was that someday you'd leave me. I...I grew up in a home where people left, and I had to clean up after, and I just couldn't go through that again. And so...when I didn't see your suitcase, I thought, well, here it is. My worst fear -- he's gone. And then I thought, oh! Damn! Paige's car seat is in Tom's car, and I'll have to get a new one. You had just left me, and I was thinking about a car seat. I was weird. I kept waiting to feel devastated, but instead, I felt...I didn't know...I..Ugh. I couldn't put a name to it. Then, when I walked in, and you were back. I suddenly realized what I had been feeling the whole time you were gone -- it was relief. I was relieved.

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