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影视台词 > 影评 > :《五十度灰》Youtube上关于trailer的一些评论是由一生祝福网(www.13zhufu.com)为您精心收集,如果觉得好,请把这篇文章复制到您的博客或告诉您的朋友,以下是《五十度灰》Youtube上关于trailer的一些评论的正文:

  Everyone hating on this movie and the book CLEARLY hasn't read it and are making assumptions on the sexual aspect they see in the trailer. So no it's not all sexual, I'm a psychology major and I was intrigued by Christian Grey's need to gain dominance in order to balance out the abuse he had as a child. He doesn't abuse Anastasia though, he just simply is in control and he knows it's not normal to not feel the affection. And even tells Anastasia she can back out of his life if his need for dominance is too much for her.
  Monkeys will watch anything if it's shiny enough. Fun fact: If Edward Cullen were ugly, Twilight would have flopped at the box office. I mean all that movie was was a guy and girl running around a forest for no reason.
  You do realize this is basically going to be glorified porn, right?
  For those of saying this movie is completely pornographic, all of you are completely dumb-headed because I read the books and it's something much deeper than just sex.
  Not everything is about sexual intercourse as you all make it looks like it. It's the filter and theme of the story that was supposed to captivate the reader and audience's interest and desire to dig deeper in the the trilogy/story.
  Don't you all see? The trailers represent the movies, and so far it is so good and well said. Very professional.
  - a thirteen year old who considers certain facts than many do (:
  So its Twilight mixed with porn?
  I don't understand...
  Somebody please explain why anybody is excited for this in a way normal people can understand.
  这位总结的其实挺到位,twilight mixed with porn, no offense to fans
  If you like it, you watch it. It's simple. You can't come here and say the movie is bullshit just because you don't like it. Why to waste your time insulting all the people who likes the movie and the book? Do something better with your time instead of telling us what to do and think :) BTW, I love the trilogy since Máster Of The Universe!


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