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影视台词 > 影评 > :《V字仇杀队》从V的自我介绍说起是由一生祝福网(www.13zhufu.com)为您精心收集,如果觉得好,请把这篇文章复制到您的博客或告诉您的朋友,以下是《V字仇杀队》从V的自我介绍说起的正文:

  词穷 对这部电影的评价只能用说:拍手称快!大呼过瘾!
  一般这类电影因为想要表达的东西太多 总会顾此失彼 比如有场景有情节有效果 但是台词就显得逊色 或者像当初的加勒比海盗4 除了答叔拯救了票房我个人把那部电影的成功归功于编剧/Screenwriter 台词也得很棒
  V for Vendetta 剧情演技场景效果 还有台词 还有大咖和戏骨 几乎无可挑剔 要是说非要挑刺的话 就是麻烦能不能通俗一点 开头拉丁语系乱飞 观众很凌乱好不好 但是不得不说开头V的自我介绍 回头再看的时候 已经剧透了 关键是刚开始的时候我还没进入角色 只是知道写地精彩演地到位 信息量太多 抓不到重点
  “In a view a humble vaudevillian veteran cast vicariously as both victim and villain by the vicissitudes of fate. This visage no mere veneer of vanity is a vestige of the vox populi no vacant vanished. However this valorous visitation of a bygone vexation stands vivified and has vowed to vanquish these venal and virulent vermin van guarding vice and vouchsafing the violently vicious and voracious violation of volition. The only verdict is vengeance a vendetta held as a votive not in vain for the value and veracity of such shall one day vindicate the vigilant and the virtuous. Verily this vichyssoise of verbiage veers most verbose.”
  一共107个单词 45个V开头的单词 完全挑战了观众的智商和词汇量 看完以后光把这段意思弄懂就花了一个多小时 可是还是有理解不能的地方 短短107个字且不说措辞高雅 用的手法我觉得还是反讽 最后结尾处的地方8个单词 两个单词都说自己罗嗦冗长 但仔细回忆并不然
  V表达了自己的“身份” 控诉了社会毒瘤 以及说出了自己的方法和期望 有头有尾有血有肉 太完美的一场Presentation 而且整部影片最后也是这么发展的 过现在和自我觉醒的人们 开场的时候众人皆醉我独醒的味道还是有一点的
  其他的就不多说了 前人们已经做了很好的评述和表达就不重复了
  最后想要把自己对于这对文字的理解 在众人面前献丑 并且接受大家的公开批评和讨论 相互交流切磋找到最合理的解释方式 先谢之~
  In front of you stands a mundane retired vaudevillian conveying a story of an experienced man who in his splendid life was suffering as well as saving himself by being a scoundrel. Sufficient amount of the mass could be traced in the superficial fa?ade steered merely by vanity. However with surplus courage and bravery to see through what irritated and vexed us, we stood up and promised to fight against corruption, the obnoxious dominating and voicing for the wicked through its verbal ferocious attacks, greedy about anything but not public will. Retaliation is the honourable judgment to fight against these odds. One day it shall call for the awareness and the morality to speak up proving its value and truthiness…a justification. Self-evidently this wordy commencement develops with excessive number of words.


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