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影视台词 > 影评 > :《神探夏洛克》剧情+细节+亮点+彩蛋是由一生祝福网(www.13zhufu.com)为您精心收集,如果觉得好,请把这篇文章复制到您的博客或告诉您的朋友,以下是《神探夏洛克》剧情+细节+亮点+彩蛋的正文:

The stage is set, the curtain rises. We are ready to begin. (Begin what?) Sometimes to solve a case, one must first solve another. (Oh, you have a case, then, a new one?) An old one, very old. I shall have to go deep. (Deep? Into what?) Myself.
第一遍看完全不知所云,然而二刷很清楚了,这是Sherlock和自己的对话,也是Sherlock和观众的对话,还是二位大手和观众的对话。Sherlock went deep into his own dream(?or OD'd hallucination or mind palace... Name it you may) and that's the beginning of the core plot. 这种人在戏中亦在戏外的感觉真是十分奇妙啊。
验尸Bride处:Gun in the mouth, a bullet through the brain... Back of the head blown clean off. How could he survive? -"She", you mean.
两个世界的第一次重合,The Bride和Moriarty两个案件交叠,开始引入现实世界部分。Sherlock从Moriarty之死的疑团回溯到19世纪追查The Bride案,观众从The Bride案联想到Moriarty死亡谜团(魔法特你挖的一手好坑!),从此处开始疑惑Sherlock所处世界的真实性。
验尸Bride部分结束:These are deep waters, Watson, deep waters. And I shall have to go deeper still.
又是一语双关。And deep waters of suffragette movement?
麦哥召唤接任务处:These enemies are everywhere... undetected... and unstoppable. -Socialists? -Not socialists, Doctor, no. -Anarchists? -No. -The French? The suffragists? -Is there any large body of people you're not concerned about?
Carmichael place的火车上:You may, however, rest assured there are no ghosts in this world. Save those we make for ourselves.
见完Eustace Carmichael之后的对话:We all have a past, Watson. Ghosts. They are the shadows that define our every sunny day.
小夏此时说的不只是The Bride吧,更多是在说Moriarty。即使已死,也是自己的弱点和心魔。然而人家俩的past是私情,这样类比真的好么。。。
半夜蹲守Carmichael place:-..what made you like this? -Oh, Watson... Nothing made me. I made me. Redbeard?
发现Eustace尸体之后:-What does that tell the foremost criminal investigator in England? -In England? -You're in deep, Sherlock, deeper than you ever intended to be. -Have you made a list? -Of what? -Everything. We will need a list. / -He's the crack in the lens, the fly in the ointment, the virus in the data.
Sherlock(以为自己)看到了莫娘留下的Miss me字条,之后我们可以看出Sherlock又走到了mind palace(dream? hallucination?)的更深处,这里麦哥提醒他走得很深了,并且提醒他list的事情,大概这时Sherlock的潜意识想要唤醒他。Virus in the data又是两个世界交叉的一个点。
小夏在mind palace里见到莫娘:
重要的一段,从脑内真正切到21世纪的衔接部分。莫娘出现再次解释Sherlock所追寻的The truth,不是Sir Eustace, or the Bride, or any of it,而是need to know how("How can you be alive?")。"It's tearing your world apart, not knowing." Sherlock的潜意识知道“You're trying to stop me... To distract me, derail me.” 而莫娘清晰地指出“Because it's not the fall that kills you. It's the landing.” 是The Fall之后过渡期(花生结婚,Magnussen等等种种,landing)发生的一切将小夏拖到危险边缘,正像第三季里展示的那样。
After landing part I:
麦哥果然是最机智的一个。。。在其他人还在关心Sherlock在mind palace里做了什么的时候他就看出来卷毛其实是磕嗨了。。。“I was immersed.""Of course you were." 这讽刺的一语双关啧啧啧。。从这里我们还知道了那list是什么,嗑药清单。。。麦哥的兄弟深情也是感人:“I was there for you before. I'll be there for you again. I'll always be there for you.” 我们还知道了卷毛其实还是蹲了几天大牢的,也是为什么嗑药的原因:“A week in a prison cell, I should have realized.” 接下来暂时清醒的卷福又昏睡过,脑内19世纪磕了药的那位被花生叫醒。“-I was on a jet. -A what?” 接下来是花生戒毒演说。。。
找Mary部分:-What is happening? Are you even in a fit state? -For Mary, of course. Never doubt that, Watson. Never that.
看到这里要泪奔,Sherlock的Last Vow再次出现,保护Mary成为他的责任之一,就像保护John一样,虽然第三季人物设定略崩坏,这个感情发展的过程完全(划掉)几乎没怎么刻画,然而这种情义还是很感人。。
这里Molly和Janine都出现了,有趣的是她们出场的部分有两人现代场景的闪回,其实她们所说的话不仅是在叙述Emelia的故事,也对应Sherlock对待她们的方式,Molly每每被Sherlock言辞打击还被利用(虽然后来道歉了),Janine以为Sherlock是真心的结果却被伤害,这部分大概是魔法特个厌女症晚期给的一点补偿吧。。。这里团伙作案,Janine吓Eustace,Molly吓花生,Lady Carmichael杀夫,娘子军团分工明确配合默契,想想还有点小激动呢。。。
After landing part II:
注意!这段其实还是小夏的脑洞!然而这里潜意识里的John提醒他“We have a case, we have a real-life problem right now.” 想要把他引到正道上,其实已经给后面John救场的身份做铺垫了。
-Too deep, Sherlock, way too deep. Congratulations, you will be the first man in history to be buried in his own Mind Palace.
-I am your weakness! I keep you down! Every time you stumble, every time you fail, when you're weak, I... am... there!
-That's not fair, there's two of you! -There's always two of us. Don't you read The Strand?
-Thank you, John. -Since when do you call me John? -You'd be surprised. -No, I wouldn't. -Time you woke up, Sherlock. I'm a story-teller, I know when I'm in one. -So what's he like? The other me in the other place? -Smarter than he looks. -Pretty damn smart, then. -Pretty damn smart.
小夏已经到自己梦境(mind palace?hallucination?)的最底层了,在这儿只有Moriarty the weakness和他在一起,然而在他将要被Moriarty打败的时候John出现来救场了。想起之前看过的一篇分析说John从来没在Sherlock的mind palace里成为像Mycroft Molly等等作为Sherlock的一部分人格特性的存在,而是作为自己独立存在,那么在这儿小夏的mind palace最深处第一次明确体现出这点,John不是Sherlock可以加以吸收利用的一部分,他是独有的,是“Two of us”中的一个,是福尔摩斯探案集两主角不可替代,也不可或缺的一部分。他是Sherlock脆弱时坚定的支持者和拯救者,正是这种两人互有弥补,同时互相扶持的情谊产生的魅力跨越一百多年还在吸引各式各样的读者、观众。这里跨越时代的两版福华对话的部分真的很感人,背后满是彼此间的友情和欣赏。华生肯定了夏洛克的人情味,夏洛克也肯定了华生的才智(等了多久才等到这句话!)。看到“I'm a story-teller, I know when I'm in one.”仿佛华生这个人物跨越了时代和媒介,不再是书中剧中的人物形象,而是一个鲜活的人跳出戏外在对观众讲话。戏中戏戏外戏这种结构还是永远都看不厌。点睛之笔:“Elementary, my dear Watson.”
“But then I've always known I was a man out of his time.”
-----------------Abominable Bride’s Story-------------
Emelia Ricoletti的故事:
"Do not forget me, Remember the maid... The maid of the mill..."
“She was already familiar with the secret societies of America. He knew her out in the States. Promised her everything. Marriage, position. And then he had his way with her... and threw her over. Left her abandoned and penniless.”
“Emelia thought that she'd found happiness with Ricoletti, but he was a brute too. You have no idea how that bastard treated her.”
Emelia Ricoletti,先与Eustace Carmichael在美国结识,被欺骗后抛弃。猜测可能是一个英国穷贵族跑到美国骗财骗炮骗感情还一不小心骗了个三K党姑娘的故事。。。之后结识Thomas Ricoletti,未婚先孕(shotgun wedding),成为他的妻子,但Ricoletti同样是个禽兽,婚后很快就对Emelia冷淡下来(“Am I not beautiful, Thomas? As beautiful as the day you married me?”),还大保健【。。(千万不要被那个“马蹄内翻足”迷惑!什么鬼。。。神夏剧组我跪求你们下次不要再谷歌翻译了好吗 直接唐人街问个华人都行啊!这样你直接放个英文的“Club-foot”都比马蹄内翻足强啊-。-)很可能Ricoletti只是因为姑娘怀孕,迫不得已才娶了她,并没有多少感情。姑娘彻底心死,再加上病体时日不多,毅然决定联合娘子军【。复仇。
Lady Carmichael的故事:
“This is the work of a single-minded person. Someone who knew first-hand about Sir Eustace's mental cruelty. The dark secret, kept from all but her closest friends, including Emelia Ricoletti... the woman her husband wronged all those years before.”
Lady Carmichael,Sir Eustace Carmichael的妻子,Emelia Ricoletti的朋友,知道Eustace的黑暗过,是整个事件的策划者和凶手,替Emelia复了仇。这也是相当有勇有谋,只想知道她和Eustace结婚不会就是为了复仇吧,整个一个女版夏洛克啊O O
特别篇整个架构都是树立在女权问题上的,很讨巧,(下次LGBT Rights怎么样) 前有Mrs. Hudson抱怨自己戏里(划掉)花生小说里没多少台词;后有Mary气愤丈夫查案不带自己玩还忽视自己的能力("But what could you do?!"),支持Votes for Women,给“大英政府”干活(!);还有英姿飒爽的Molly,不对,Dr. Hooper,为了做病理研究在那个年代只好变装成男性; 配角花生女仆“Why do you never mention me, sir?”;最后Janine也来跑了个龙套。就不说作为The Bride故事主角的两位女性了。总而言之,这个特别篇我脚得可以起个别名:“神探夏洛克:被忽视与被损害的女性们”【拖出打 不过。。。拿Suffragettes和Moriarty作比较,真的好吗。。。
一个fun fact:历史上真实的Votes for women领袖:Emmeline Pankhurst. Emelia这个名字是否从此而来?
I'm your landlady, not a plot device. —— 来自Mrs. Hudson的抱怨 这是麦哥魔法特吐槽自己吧lol
Oh, blame it on the illustrator, he's out of control! —— 紧接着Arwel大哥也中了一枪哈哈哈 还有摄影后期 说你们呢 让你们调色那么阴暗
I've had to grow this moustache just so people will recognise me. —— 好的我们知道了你的小胡子不是给Sherlock留的,下一个!
You have recently married a man of a seemingly kindly disposition, who has now abandoned you for an unsavoury companion of dubious morals. —— Sher你当面损Mary真的好吗 人家才是正牌夫妻啊哈哈哈
-Yes, her perfume, which brings insight to me and disaster to you. -How so? - Because I recognised it and you did not. —— 所以。。。花生你这栽跟头栽得没话说了 女友记不住谁养狗也就算了 老婆香水也闻不出来 跨越了一个世纪的悲伤啊
Handy really, as your ever-expanding backside is permanently glued to it. / There's only a large cavity where that organ should reside. —— 小夏你的吐槽+恶趣味啊哈哈哈麦哥在你脑洞里竟然变成了这样 你是和你哥多大仇 谁告诉我这段剧本是不是魔法特写的 还有那个没有心的梗终于出现了 小夏你也就只能在你脑洞里fight back了吧
-That watch that you're wearing, there's a photograph inside it. I glimpsed it once. I believe it is of Irene Adler. -You didn't glimpse it, you waited till I'd fallen asleep and looked at it. -Yes, I did. -You seriously thought I wouldn't notice?
-You've lived a life, you have a past. -A what?! -Well, you must have had... -Had what? -You know. -No. -Experiences. -Pass me your revolver, I have a sudden need to use it. -Damn it, Holmes, you are flesh and blood, you have feelings, you have... You must have... Impulses. -Dear Lord, I have never been so impatient to be attacked by a murderous ghost.
—— 这整段全程高能啊!!麦哥你出来咱们谈谈 这肯定是你写的 且不说小夏你的脑洞里到底为什么要和花生讨论impulses这么羞耻的话题 花生你偷看人家怀表里的照片是个什么心态(还等小夏睡着啊你是蹲床边等的么) 小夏你装睡抓包又是个什么心态!我整个人都不好了。。。 还有 看到这段半夜蹲守的情节 我总想到某同人文。。。
If Moriarty has risen from the Reichenbach cauldron, he will seek you out. —— 这一段真的不是在说伏地魔么。。。HP crossover党举起你们的双手!
-What's he doing, do you think? -He says he's waiting. -For what? -The devil. I wouldn't be surprised. We get all sorts here. —— Mrs. Hudson又真相了。。。所以说你是plot device其实一点没错啊!
(莫娘面见小夏) —— 这段没眼看了已经。。。又来兜里手枪梗,什么你的房间smell so manly,什么你的床好舒服,莫娘你明知道灰尘是小夏的dead skin还舔是闹哪样!什么We don't need toys to kill each other where's the intimacy in that,还有莫娘蹲下舔枪口啊啊啊啊,原谅我真的没想想歪。。。
-I thought I was losing you. I thought perhaps we were... neglecting each other. -Well, you're the one who moved out. -I was talking to Mary. ——哈哈哈小夏人家夫妻俩说话你插什么嘴 不过花生怕losing Mary 你怕losing花生 替你心酸30秒
-That's not fair, there's two of you! -There's always two of us. Don't you read The Strand?
-Thank you, John. -Since when do you call me John? -You'd be surprised. -No, I wouldn't. -Time you woke up, Sherlock. I'm a story-teller, I know when I'm in one. -So what's he like? The other me in the other place? -Smarter than he looks. -Pretty damn smart, then. -Ugh, why don't you two just elope, for God's sake?! ——救公主情节来了!【大雾 花生从mind palace救Sherlock回来这种情节也是极好,终于不枉第三季Sherlock拼了老命从mind palace爬出来保护花生 编剧第三季虐完小夏终于肯给找补回来点了蛤?还有莫娘你总这样画龙点睛不太好吧 临死还要被虐狗 同情你哈哈哈
Wilder向麦哥报告有位Mr. Melas求见,Mr. Melas出自The Greek interpreter。
说到底这就是一个卷毛纠结于莫娘这个心结,花生来了一脚把他踹开【。。。 从此卷毛和花生Mary重新快乐地生活在一起的故事【雾 又名卷福脑内五分钟大家有得撸一年之第四季预告片 大家新年快乐!2017第四季再会!【泪


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