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影视台词 > 影评 > :《积极心理学》相同的事实,不同的诠释是由一生祝福网(www.13zhufu.com)为您精心收集,如果觉得好,请把这篇文章复制到您的博客或告诉您的朋友,以下是《积极心理学》相同的事实,不同的诠释的正文:

成为专业壁球运动员是我11岁以来的梦想,那是我一直会想的事情。那时这是我最重要的事我想当一个专业选手 20岁时,我在以色列马上就要服满兵役。我在壁球场受了伤,拉坏了背部的肌肉,医生让我选择,或者动手术,这有很大风险,或者放弃职业生涯,我选择放弃我的职业生涯,一个我儿时的梦想。这是一个巨大的打击。
哈佛毕业后,我了剑桥。我参加一个博士项目,我是那个项目中唯一没通过的。我被赶出了这个项目,很没面子,像浪费了一年,这真的是个很艰难的经历。在哈佛,作为研究生,我和其他学生一起,参加资格统考,在所有参加那个考试的研究生中,我是唯一没有通过的,又是一个非常丢脸的经历。走在William James楼边,大家都知道成绩,这很难堪,不只那样,我被临时,临时选择留在这个项目中。要和下一届一起考,你还要出色地通过考试,否则就出局。剩下的这个学期,忙着于论文和写作的同时,我几乎快毕业还得回看最基本的知识,把所有教材再复习一遍。
I have a mild case of ADD, it makes things very difficult for me, and I really struggle with it constantly.
When I was in high school, I really wanted to get into a lucrative program in mathematics, did not pass the entry exam, I was very disappointed, I did not make it.
Becoming a professional squash player was a dream for me since the age of 11. That is the thing that I thought about constantly, that was the most important thing for me at the time. I wanna to be a professional player. At the age of twenty, I was about to complete my military service in Israel and I got injured on the squash court and pulled the muscle in my back. The doctor gave me an option of being operated on, which was a big risk, or giving up my professional career. I chose to give up my professional career, a dream that I had from a very young age. It was a real blow.
I went to Cambridge, after graduating from Harvard and I enrolled in a PhD program. I was the only student in my PhD program to fail, I was thrown out of the program. It was humiliating; it seemed like a waste of a year It was a real tough experience. At Harvard, as a graduate student, I took, with all the other students, my qualifying general exams. Out of all the graduate students who took that exam, I was the only one who failed it. Once again, a really humiliating experience, walking around William James and everyone knows their results, it was tough. Not only that, I was given provisional, the provisional option of staying in the program. when you take it with the next class, you have to pass it with flying colors or you are out. So, while the rest of the semester, while working on the dissertations, writing, almost graduating I had to go back to the basics and go over the whole material again.
God, I am so unlucky.
I have a mild case of ADD, which is great, you know why? Because, it actually forces me to only study things that I love, things that I care about, because anything else, my concentration just goes away. that forces me to focus on the ultimate currency, on things that make me happy.
And You know, when I was in high school, I really wanted to get into a certain program, I failed the entrance exam, which turned out to be a blessing in disguise, because it gave me so much more time to practice and play squash, and I ended up winning international championships in the following year.
When I was in the University of Cambridge, I was in a PhD program, and I was the only one in my class, and as far as I know, the only one in years to be thrown out of the program. And it was actually a very important experience, you know, I got out of Harvard, I was arrogant, I thought I was holier than thou, and this was a real humbling experience that was especially important for me, because the next year I went to work in Asia, and there, the worst that I could do was to be arrogant. So this humbling experience actually helped me a great deal in my future career, as well as helped me put things in perspective.
When I came to Harvard, I was the only one in my program to fail the general qualifying exams, it was a hard blow, it was difficult, but it turned out to be a very good experience, you know why? Because I had to study the exact same material and these huge books and articles all over again, and know them not just at the basic level, I had to know them extremely well because that was the condition that the professors gave for me staying in the program. And it was so good because I learned the material so well that I know social psychology today probably better than anyone I know, and that helps me a great deal. It helps me a great deal in putting together this course 1504, and there is no place I would rather be than here.
God, I am so lucky.
PS:From the end of the lecture 7.


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