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励志语录 > 励志名言 > :苹果CEO乔布斯的十三句至理名言(中英文版)是由一生祝福网(www.13zhufu.com)为您精心收集,如果觉得好,请把这篇文章复制到您的博客或告诉您的朋友,以下是苹果CEO乔布斯的十三句至理名言(中英文版)的正文:


  “我曾在 17 岁时读过这么一句名言:‘如果你把每一天当成自己人生的最后一天来过,那么将来某一天你会明白其中的真意’,这句话令我印象深刻,此后的 33 年来,我每天早上都会对着镜子自问:‘如果今天是我生命的最后一天,我还会想去做我今天要去做的事吗?’,每当我心里的答案是‘不’时,我知道自己需要做出改变了。”










  Steve Jobs, a legendary figure, is a legacy that not only contains the most successful technology companies in the world today, but also his outspoken people who have inspired countless people. Recently, the foreign media "commercial insider" contains Steve Jobs 13 classic words, we once again to cherish the memory:


  1, the creativity


  "Creativity is about finding connections between things, and when you ask creative people how they do things, they feel a little guilty because they do not really do it, they just see some of these relationships, They seem to be obvious later. "


  2, the death


  Remember, everyone will die, this is the best way I think to avoid personal problems, you have naked to death, there is no reason not to follow their own heart. "


  3, about excellence


  "To be a quality benchmark, some people are not accustomed to facing a superior environment."


  4, about the future


  "You can not look at the future when the tandem, you can only look back in the past to sublimation, so you have to believe that these bits will fragment in the future in some way tandem .. You have to believe that something - intuition Ye Hao , The fate, the life, or the karma, or even everything else, has never disappointed me, and in my life this idea has made me different.


  5, the insistence


  "Your job will be a big part of your life, and the only way to make you really happy is to do what you believe is great work, and the only great job is to love what you do." If you have not found it yet , Then continue to find, do not stop. Intentions to find, you will know when to find it. Like any great relationship, it will only prove better in the time, so continue to find, do not stop until you Find it. "


  "Being the richest man in the cemetery is not the thing I care about the most ... What really matters to me is saying 'I've done some great things' before going to bed at night. This is what I care about most.


  7, the innovation


"I am proud that many of the things we do become what we


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