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《美剧口语》1.Forget it!别提了。2.It could happen to anyone.谁都可能遇到这种情况。3.You fall for it every time.你每次都要上当。4.To hell with that bitch!让那贱人见鬼去吧!5.I'm totally over her.我已经忘了她了。6.I'm all yours!我全听你的。7.Where were we?刚才谈到哪里了?
版权所有 一生祝福网 www.13zhufu.com
本篇1.Forget it!别提了。2.It could happen to anyone.谁都可能遇到这种情况。3.You fall for it every time.你每次都要上当。4.To hell with that bitch!让那贱人见鬼去吧!5.I'm totally over her.我已经忘了她了。6.I'm all yours!我全听你的。7.Where were we?刚才谈到哪里了?来自一生祝福网,更多1.,了?相关美文请浏览一生祝福网。