人生感悟 > 人生哲理 > :此生必须知道的42条生活建议是由一生祝福网(www.13zhufu.com)为您精心收集,如果觉得好,请把这篇文章复制到您的博客或告诉您的朋友,以下是此生必须知道的42条生活建议的正文:
solution to your problem. Always stand by your faith and see the impossible turning into possible. 在任何情况下都不要放弃。记住,因为不如你意的意外放弃信念不算是解决之道。也一直坚持信念,在绝境中找到转机。
33. F:Stay by the side of your FAMILY no matter how hard the situation is. 不管情况多么艰难,都要占在家人那边。
34. O:Be OPEN TO NEW IDEAS. Never be rigid in your thought process instead try to accept change and imbibe new ideas in your life. 接受新想法。不要固化思维,试着接受改变和吸收新想法。
35. R:Create a good RAPPORT around. Communicate in a well mannered way with others and always maintain a good reputation of yourself among the group of people you normally meet.与周围的人保持良好关系。礼貌地和别人交流,在你常见面的人群中树立良好形象。
36. S:Learn to SHARE. Sharing is an important attribute in life that can make you realize the importance of giving to others.学会分享。分享是生活中的重要方面,能让你意识到奉献的重要性。
37. U:Be UNDERSTANDING to your fellow beings. You may never know what other person might have gone through in life so never be judgmental in your approach.理解你的同伴。你可能不知道别人生活中经历过什么,所以永远不要从你的角度去评判别人。
38. C:Avoid getting trapped by COMPLEXES. So whether it’s an inferiority complex or superiority complex, never identify with any of them as they can easily steal away your natural charm and appeal.避免被各种情结陷住。不论是自卑情结还是自负情结,不要以任何一种来标榜自己,这会让你天生的魅力和吸引力荡然无存。
39. C:Be CURIOUS like a child. Never let the curiosity quotient drop in your life. As it is the only source that acquaints you with new knowledge and life discoveries.像孩子一样充满好奇。不要让好奇心从你的生活中消失。这是你学习新知识、发现新生活的唯一途径。
40. E:Be EMPATHETIC to other feelings. As it enables clear and helpful expressions of caring and concern and sends message to another of acceptance (rather than apathy or opposition)。 Thus it creates an atmosphere of trust and genuineness with the people around you.同情别人的感受。这能清楚地表达出你的关心,向别人传达你接受他们的信息,而不是冷漠无情或者反对。这让你和周围的人相互信任。
41. S:SPREAD JOY around. Live and let others live by being happy and sharing this happiness with the people around.传播欢乐。快乐地生活,并且将快乐传播给其他人。
42. S:Be a SANGUINE personality. Try to induce positivity in each and every act of yours. 保持乐观。在每一个动作中都充满积极情绪。
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